Report proposes solution to Minnesota’s foreclosure crisis | Twin Cities Daily Planet – 7/15/12
By Eric Pusey, Minnesota Progressive Project July 15, 2012 In your neighborhood, on your block and probably even people you know have been foreclosed upon. Where I live in Minneapolis…
Report: Mortgage Fix Needed to End Minneapolis and Minnesota Foreclosure Crisis
Principal reduction would benefit economy, cities, and lenders themselves Minneapolis — A coalition of community organizations, faith groups and Occupy Homes MN today released a report arguing that homeowners, the…
In St. Paul, officials and developers seek cures for housing blight | Minnesota Public Radio – 6/25/12
St. Paul, Minn. — The housing crisis hit certain St. Paul neighborhoods much harder than others, according to a housing report issued last month. The East Side of the city,…
“A silent, selective tornado”: Report describes the foreclosure crisis on St. Paul’s East side | Twin Cities Daily Planet – 6/17/12
By Alleen Brown, TC Daily Planet June 17, 2012 Active in her church, outdoors often with her home daycare, and prone to taking long walks, Carol Overland is one of…
East Side of St. Paul hit hardest by foreclosure crisis, impact to entire City
Study finds high numbers of foreclosures, vacant homes on East Side damaging fiscal health of St. Paul overall A new report by ISAIAH finds that the East Side of St….
Prophetic Voices Action: Clergy Press Conference – 5/7/12
An interfaith group of clergy put their prophetic ministry into action by speaking out on how the practices of Wall Street and major banks have violated our shared values by…
Central Corridor Light Rail Report Highlights Community’s Concerns – 1/5/2012
LIGHT RAIL BRINGS HOPE AND CHALLENGES TO LOW-INCOME PEOPLE AND COMMUNITIES OF COLOR: New Study Finds Rail Line Leaves Many St. Paul Communities Vulnerable on Housing, Jobs, and Development A…
Healthy Corridor for All – Health Impact Assessment Report
A COMMUNITY HEALTH IMPACT ASSESSMENT OF TRANSIT‐ORIENTED DEVELOPMENT POLICY IN SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA The Twin Cities region is planning at least four transit corridors, the first of which is the…
Holding Banks Responsible for St. Paul’s Housing Crisis – 12/1/11
COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESS BANKS TO TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR MITIGATING ST. PAUL’S HOUSING CRISIS: Religious and Community Leaders Stand with City in Support of Responsible Banking ST. PAUL, MN, December 1, 2011…
Council Agrees to Press Banks for Foreclosure Reduction, Mediation – 10/11/11
COUNCIL MEMBERS COMMIT TO PRESS BANKS FOR FORECLOSURE REDUCTION, MEDIATION: Hundreds pack housing forum with St. Paul Council members attending ST. PAUL, MN, October 11, 2011–At a400-person public meeting Tuesday,…
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