Power Belongs to Those Who Show Up Together
Psalm 45:4 (NIV) “In your majesty ride forth victoriously in the cause of truth, humility and justice; let your right hand achieve awesome deeds.” Watch a sermon preached by Minister…
Parents and Childcare Providers Show Support for St. Paul Teacher Agreement and Minneapolis Teacher Strike, Highlight Connection Between Childcare and Education
Photo credit: MFT (https://www.safeandstableschools.org) SAINT PAUL — March 10, 2022 — Following a tentative agreement with St. Paul teachers and Minneapolis teachers going strike, Kids Count on Us, an initiative…
Nearly 30 Rochester Area Clergy Call for Honesty in Education
Whether we’re Black or white, Latino or Asian, Native or newcomer, we want our kids to have an education that encourages them to dig deeper into who we are, where…
Minnesotans Celebrate Governor’s Budget Proposal
ISAIAH Press Statement | SAINT PAUL, January 26, 2021 No matter what we look like or where we live, Minnesotans know that we pull through by pulling together. We also…
Childcare LTEs
Childcare is an essential element of a caring economy. Centers, providers, teachers, parents, children, and communities as a whole deserve socially and financially equitable childcare that is fully and sustainably funded.
I’m Voting “YES!” for St. Paul!
I’m a proud Eastsider of St. Paul and I’ve been so for the entire time I’ve lived in Minnesota. This year, I made the decision to purchase my first home…
Minneapolis Public School’s Decision to Expand Moratorium Is Major Step Towards Racial Equity
St. Paul, MN – On Friday, October 2, Minneapolis Public Schools released a statement that the district would “suspend suspensions” for all non-violent behavior. In response, ISAIAH President Rev. Paul…
Minneapolis School Board Candidate Equity Survey Results
ISAIAH leaders from several of our Minneapolis congregations joined together to interview and survey Minneapolis School Board candidates to assist our members in making informed voting decisions. These soon-to-be elected…
Eyeing racial disparities, schools trying to cut down on suspensions | Minnesota Public Radio News – 4/15/14
Tim Post · St. Paul, Minn. · Apr 15, 2014 Aiming to change school discipline policies that disproportionately suspend students of color, school districts in Minnesota are trying alternatives to kicking…
Religious Leaders Announce Initiative to End Mass Suspensions in Minnesota
A coalition of religious leaders joined parents and teachers for a press conference at the Capitol on March 6, 2014, to announce plans to end the crisis caused by mass…
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