The Minnesota Legislature and the Power We Have Built
The most important part of what is happening at the Minnesota Legislature is you/us. We know our democracy works when we participate and show up. We embody the multiracial democracy…
Ash Wednesday: A Time to Fast from Fear
This rather is the fasting that I wish: Releasing those bound unjustly, Untying the thongs of the yoke; Setting free the oppressed, Breaking every yoke; Sharing your bread with the…
Indigenous, Black, Hispanic and Muslim Minnesotans Partner in GOTV for Day of Action
ST. PAUL – October 29, 2018 – The National Congress of American Indians (NCAI) and ISAIAH partnered for a day of action on Saturday, October 27, 2018. They were out…
150 Clergy, Faith Leaders Gather to Declare Commitment to Voter Engagement in 2018, Beyond
Event Welcomed All Gubernatorial Candidates to Attend, Speak; Gov. Candidate Erin Murphy, Lt. Gov. Candidate Peggy Flannagan Accepted Thursday afternoon, 150 clergy and faith leaders from Christian and Muslim communities…
New Report Shows St. Cloud Families Want Politicians to Focus on Care Issues
Local Moms Commit to Register 1,000 ‘Care Voters’ in Central Minnesota Results of a door-to-door survey of hundreds of St. Cloud voters conducted this winter indicate that candidate’s positions on…
Candidate Forums for a Welcoming and Just Hennepin County
ISAIAH hosts Districts 2, 3 and 4 Hennepin County Commissioners Candidate Forums at Sanctuary Congregations to focus on immigration, racial equity In the last two weeks, three Hennepin County commissioners’…
Gubernatorial Candidates Meet with Rural and Greater MN Residents to Hear about the Values and Bold Vision Needed to Move MN Forward
Rural and Greater Minnesota residents are making their voices heard as candidates for Governor crisscross the state in the weeks leading up to state endorsing conventions. Over 100 people attended…
Reunion de Fe Latino St. Paul
El último año ha sido dificil para nuestra comunidad. Hemos escuchado a políticos pintarnos como una amenaza a este pais. Y como consecuencia muchos hemos sentido mas temor, ansiedad y…
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