We Decide: Building the Beloved Community
Matthew 19:26
Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”
We have huge tasks in front of us. Saving democracy, loving community, creating a multiracial democracy where everyone can thrive – all this amid a pandemic, racial scapegoating, police brutality and division. It would seem impossible to be victorious, but all things are possible with God.
Jesus was talking to his disciples about the physical ability for a camel to go through the eye of a needle and spiritual ability for a rich person to make it into heaven as equal impossibilities by human effort, strength or will. BUT, he reminds us, that WITH GOD, the impossible can be possible.
We are called to co-create a beautiful tomorrow for ourselves and future generations. In a social and political world with the seemingly physical and spiritual limitations to do this, we have to remember that WITH GOD, it is possible. Take heart. Fight the good fight. Victory is ours through Christ Jesus who loves us!
Qu’ran Reflection – Surah Baqarah, Verse 109
“Indeed, Allah is over all things competent.”
Zakariyyah (alayhi salam) had made a supplication which seemed impossible according to human standards. However, nothing is impossible for Allah! His prayer got answered and Allah (swt) sent an angel to give the tidings of a righteous son. The verses in Surah Maryam take us back into time, opening a window into the praying place of Zakariyyah (alayhi salam):
“(He was told) “O Zakariyyah! Verily, We give you the glad tidings of a son, His name will be Yahya (John). We have given that name to none before (him).” He said: “My Lord! How can I have a son, when my wife is barren, and I have reached extreme old age? [An angel] said, “Thus [it will be]; your Lord says, ‘It is easy for Me, for I created you before, while you were nothing.’ “[Zakariyyah] said: “My Lord! Appoint for me a sign.” He said: “Your sign is that you shall not speak unto mankind for three nights, though having no bodily defect.”
Nothing is difficult for Allah!
When Zakariyyah (alayhi salam) was given the tidings, he was amazed! Although he was the one who had prayed for it, he couldn’t believe it! And he couldn’t understand how this would happen. But Allah (swt) told him that this was easy for Him. He reminded Zakariyyah of how He had created him from nothing.
Although we have faith in the works of God and in ourselves to be able to create a transformative community, sometimes we reach moments of despair. There are times when we feel it is too much or we don’t have the power to defeat those who promote politics of fear, division, and scarcity. We forget that it is our continuous action and our faith in asking or demanding something better, that God makes many things possible. Zakariyyah wished for offspring at a time when many of us would say that was impossible. In the end, his prayers were answered and he was instructed to take action. For us, we need to take action as well, so that the impossible proves to us that we together decide what’s possible.

Racial Justice Champion Needs Your Support
Hennepin Chief Public Defender Mary Moriarty has been an outspoken champion for racial justice. She has been an effective advocate and unafraid to speak truth to power. This has apparently made some of those who would uphold the status quo of our criminal justice system uncomfortable.
Last December, Mary Moriarty was suspended from her job for allegedly acting unprofessionally. After an investigation dragged on for months, she was reinstated in April. Now, she is once again fighting for her job. At a meeting of the MN State Board of Public Defense this week, her re-appointment vote was delayed by two weeks, to September 8.
Mary Moriarty is someone #WhoCaresForUs and she needs the community to back her! Follow the link for some resources and action steps to help defend her. You do not need to live in Hennepin County to take action.

Vote for a Government #WhoCaresForUs
This is why we vote. Childcare and affordable housing have always been essential to families across Minnesota, and the financial strain caused by COVID-19 has made that fact even more clear.
We are building communities where we can all thrive, no exceptions. This election, we will put our votes behind leaders who will #FundOurLives and build a government #WhoCaresForUs.
You can vote as soon as September 18. What’s your voting plan?

ISAIAH Leaders Write Newspapers about Safe Communities, Beyond Policing
Many ISAIAH leaders in both the Twin Cities and greater Minnesota have been lifting up their voices in the streets at protests and rallies, and also in their local newspapers!
Most of us, Black and which, rural and urban, have been coming together to demand that we create safe communities for all of us, no exceptions. We know that in many communities, police haven’t been up to the task. It’s our joy and duty to create new paths forward, so every Minnesotan can thrive!

Democracy Days Coming to ISAIAH!
Friday, Sept. 25, 2020 | Sunday, Sept. 27, 2020 | Sunday, Oct. 25, 2020 | Friday, Oct. 23, 2020
It’s Time to Get Excited!!!! Democracy Fridays are coming to a mosque near you and Democracy Sundays are coming to a church near you! You and your local place of worship are invited to co-create with and join us in spreading joy and engagement in our political process of voting.
Unlike year’s past, we won’t be only celebrating an “Election Day” but an entire “Election Season!” Starting in mid-September, we can begin voting in a variety of ways! And because the ways to vote have expanded, so should our reach to make sure everyone who’s able to vote gets to have their voice and vote counted! Minnesotans of every race, religion and region are voters. It is our joy and duty to make sure all of us gets a voice. Sign up today to join us and your local place of worship to get involved in Democracy Days!
BONUS: You can do almost every action to build a multiracial democracy with your community from the comfort of your home!

Watch and share ISAIAH’s 20-second BREATHE video to remind Minnesotans that we are called to create a state where we all can breathe.

Race Class Narrative Action Basic Training
This free on-line training is being offered by trainers from Faith in Minnesota and our Partners. There are many training dates between now and October – including one that helps you have conversations in defense of Black lives.
Attend a training to learn the basics of Race Class Narrative, get trained to do better messaging on topics such as Climate Justice or in Defense of Black Lives, or take one of the 1-hour “Voter Values” modules that use research and experience to equip you to talk with potential voters in ways that help them to lean into the best versions of themselves at the ballot box.
Race-Class Narrative Action is where you can get important answers to questions like:
• Why is talking about race-class through a dependent clause ineffective?
• What are dog-whistle politics?
• What is the ultimate goal of dog-whistle politics?
• Who are “persuadables?”
• What is the anatomy of a winning narrative?
• And most importantly, why should I be using this winning framework in my everyday work and mission?
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