Our 2024 Legislative Session So Far
2023 was a banner year for winning a bold, progressive agenda in the state of Minnesota, made possible by years of everyday Minnesotans across race and place organizing for it….
Power Belongs to Those Who Show Up Together
Psalm 45:4 (NIV) “In your majesty ride forth victoriously in the cause of truth, humility and justice; let your right hand achieve awesome deeds.” Watch a sermon preached by Minister…
Ahead of Critical Charter Vote, Minneapolis Residents and Organizations Call On Commission To Approve Rent Stabilization Amendments
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: July 7th, 2021 Contact: Arianna Feldman, Inquilinxs Unidxs Por Justicia/Renters United for Justice arianna@inquilinxsunidxs.org and 612-413-2364 MINNEAPOLIS – Everyone – no matter their race, income, or zip…
Minnesotans Celebrate Governor’s Budget Proposal
ISAIAH Press Statement | SAINT PAUL, January 26, 2021 No matter what we look like or where we live, Minnesotans know that we pull through by pulling together. We also…
Racial Equity and Yes for St. Paul Trash: Op Ed Published in Pioneer Press
Bates, Anshur: Vote yes for the trash ordinance. Then, together, we’ll work to improve the contract By Minister JaNaé Bates and Imam Ahmed Anshur in the St. Paul Pioneer Press…
I’m Voting “YES!” for St. Paul!
I’m a proud Eastsider of St. Paul and I’ve been so for the entire time I’ve lived in Minnesota. This year, I made the decision to purchase my first home…
A True-Life Adventure in Confronting Power
by Mike Davis I traveled to San Antonio to attend the Wells Fargo shareholder meeting on April 29th. It was quite an adventure in confronting power. I went to confront…
Redlining: Banks Still Restricting Home Loans In “Non-White” Areas | The Uptake – 4/15/14
By: Sheila Regan and Bill Sorem | April 15, 2014 Members of Neighborhoods Organizing for Change (NOC), ISAIAH, and Minnesotans for a Fair Economy stood together outside Minneapolis City Hall…
Community calls for action as new report shows Wells Fargo leads redlining of communities of color in Twin Cities
Minneapolis, MN (April 10, 2014) – Faith and community leaders from Neighborhoods Organizing for Change, ISAIAH, and Minnesotans for a Fair Economy gathered on the steps of City Hall to…
Organizing People to Shift Power
The Partnership for Working Families Ford Foundation invited a number of affiliates, including ISAIAH, to participate in a pre-conference meeting at the National Housing Conference in Atlanta on September 16. …
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