Our 2024 Legislative Session So Far
2023 was a banner year for winning a bold, progressive agenda in the state of Minnesota, made possible by years of everyday Minnesotans across race and place organizing for it….
Power Belongs to Those Who Show Up Together
Psalm 45:4 (NIV) “In your majesty ride forth victoriously in the cause of truth, humility and justice; let your right hand achieve awesome deeds.” Watch a sermon preached by Minister…
100+ Clergy Call on Minnesota Legislature to Pass 100% Clean Energy
To the Members of the Minnesota House and Senate, As clergy and faith leaders representing congregations across Minnesota, we urge our state elected officials to pass the 100% Clean Energy Bill….
ISAIAH Celebrates Historic Funding for Our Families and Future through Build Back Better Act
With the recent passage of the Build Back Better Act in the House of Representatives, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and House Democrats including Minnesota Representatives Angie Craig, Dean Phillips, Betty…
What Happened This Legislative Session & What We Did Together
We all know the work of creating a multi-racial democracy that honors every person’s dignity, a caring economy where all families can thrive and climate justice for current and future…
ISAIAH is Part of an Animated Web Series! ? ? There’s More…
ISAIAH is part of a team of storytellers and organizers who made an animated web series called MINE which has been accepted into and is making its ✨ world premiere…
Climate LTEs
Childcare is an essential element of a caring economy. Centers, providers, teachers, parents, children, and communities as a whole deserve socially and financially equitable childcare that is fully and sustainably funded.
Racial Equity and Yes for St. Paul Trash: Op Ed Published in Pioneer Press
Bates, Anshur: Vote yes for the trash ordinance. Then, together, we’ll work to improve the contract By Minister JaNaé Bates and Imam Ahmed Anshur in the St. Paul Pioneer Press…
I’m Voting “YES!” for St. Paul!
I’m a proud Eastsider of St. Paul and I’ve been so for the entire time I’ve lived in Minnesota. This year, I made the decision to purchase my first home…
Climate Change & Islam: A Call to Act
By Sarah Chebli Throughout the Islamic tradition, the Quran and the sayings of the Prophet Muhammed, there is clear evidence that as humans it is our duty to care for…
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