Minnesotans for Paid Family Leave Campaign Launches
ISAIAH was proud to stand with the Children’s Defense Fund and the AFL-CIO as co-chairs of the Minnesotans for Paid Family Leave coalition at a press conference in support of…
“The Whole Earth,” a Summit on the Environment and the Economy
As Minnesota moves more and more toward increased use of renewable energy, low income families are being left behind. While they are the ones most likely to suffer from the…
ISAIAH Launches Campaign in Support of Minneapolis Paid Sick Time Ordinance
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 19, 2015 ISAIAH, a faith-based organization representing thousands of people of faith, is committed to creating a more racial and economically just city and state. We…
Minneapolis Public School’s Decision to Expand Moratorium Is Major Step Towards Racial Equity
St. Paul, MN – On Friday, October 2, Minneapolis Public Schools released a statement that the district would “suspend suspensions” for all non-violent behavior. In response, ISAIAH President Rev. Paul…
ISAIAH Pilgrimage to Philadelphia to See Pope Francis
ISAIAH led a 60-person pilgrimage to “Faith Matters in America,” a summit organized by PICO National Network to examine the ways that faith and inspiration can “reawaken” America’s moral conscience…
Top Denominational Leaders Met With Representative Ellison to Discuss Payday Lending Reform
Leaders from MN State Baptist Convention, AME Church, ELCA Lutheran Church, and the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World discussed the extraction of wealth from communities of color Minneapolis – Led by…
New Report Shows Wide Racial Disparities in Twin Cities Transit Times
On May 12, Neighborhoods Organizing for Change, TakeAction Minnesota, ISAIAH, and the Center for Popular Democracy released a new report showing the impact of enormous racial disparities in commute times between transit…
Transit Riders, Faith and Community Groups Demand Elected Leaders Make Transit Funding a Top Priority
With less than 5 weeks away from the end of the session, members of ISAIAH, Neighborhoods Organizing for Change (NOC) and other community groups assembled on April 16 at the…
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Takes Major Step Toward Protecting Families In Payday Proposal Say MN Faith Leaders of ISAIAH
But ‘Safe Harbor’ Loophole Dangerously Undermines Other Portions of the Proposal St. Paul – (March 26, 2015) Today the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) held a field hearing on payday…
House GOP Transportation Proposal Leaves Metro Transit Riders Out in the Cold
Twin Cities, MN (March 23, 2015)–Today, a group of organizations focused on the needs of transit riders issued this response to the transportation proposal, HF4, announced by GOP leadership of…
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