200 Clergy Sign Letter For Paid Family & Medical Leave
Dear Senate Majority Leader Kari Dziedzic, Speaker of the House Melissa Hortman and members of the Minnesota State Legislature:
Tue Mar 14, 2023
Thank you for your leadership to better the lives of all Minnesotan. As clergy and faith leaders in ISAIAH, the Muslim Coalition and Jewish Community Action representing congregations across Minnesota, we urge our state elected officials to pass Paid Family and Medical Leave.
As leaders in our communities of faith across Minnesota, we believe all people – Black, white or Brown, indigenous, new-comer or long time resident, in cities, suburb or rural – are inherently of the highest value and deserving of dignity, inclusion, equity and redemption. Our faith traditions and sacred texts challenge us and our elected leaders to take care of one another in times of hardship.
Sadly, the vast majority of Minnesotans don’t have access to paid family & medical leave when they face hardship in caring for themselves and each other. The consequences are grave.
One in four new mothers returns to work when their baby is only two weeks old in Minnesota. Currently, only 14% of Minnesota’s workforce has access to 12 weeks of paid family or medical leave. Women, people of color, low-wage workers, and rural Minnesotans top the list of those least likely to have access to paid family and medical leave. These inequities have only been exacerbated by the Covid-19 pandemic that has placed a spotlight on disparities in BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, or People of Color) workforces.
Yet, the struggles to lessen and eliminate these racial and gender gaps are compounded by the struggle of many small businesses in Minnesota. They are often unable to provide PFML to their employees. Not because they don’t want to, but because it is financially out of reach. The few options for small businesses to purchase private market insurance are not only expensive, they fail to cover even the most common situations, like cancer, which 40% of people will be diagnosed with at some point in their lives. Small businesses and entrepreneurs are left with a lack of options in Minnesota that create a huge disadvantage for them. They can’t possibly compete for workers with large corporations that can easily offer paid family and medical leave.
This means every day, Minnesotans face impossible choices between losing a paycheck or caring for a new child, an aging loved one, or themselves. For many, it can be the difference between paying their rent or mortgage or not or between buying groceries or going hungry.
It is time for a paid family and medical leave program in Minnesota that ensures the lowest wage workers can receive 90 percent of their wages if they need to take leave. With strong, enforceable job protections for all workers we can ensure they have access to the leave they are entitled to without fear of losing their jobs or other retaliation from employers. This is crucial so that low-income women and people of color, who are most often subjected to job loss and retaliation, are not blocked from achieving the economic security they deserve.
Nearly every other country in the world provides paid family and medical leave. Minnesota has an opportunity to invest in paid family and medical leave, and put some of our nearly $18 billion surplus into it. We have a tremendous opportunity in Minnesota to finally move forward in catching up with those countries. If we truly value families, we need to start showing it by passing paid family and medical leave this legislative session.
Peace and Blessings to You,
Imam Asad Zaman, Muslim American Society
Rabbi Debra Rappaport, Co-Chair of the MN Rabbinical Association
Rabbi Tamar Magill-Grimm, Co-Chair of the MN Rabbinical Association & Beth Jacob Congregation, Mendota Heights
Minister JaNaé Bates, Camphor Memorial United Methodist Church, St. Paul
Rev. Todd Lippert, Mayflower United Church of Christ, Minneapolis
Pastor Bailey DeVetter, First Presbyterian Church of Mankato
Imam Mohamed Abdulkadir, St Peter Islamic Center, St Peter
Imam Ahmed Aboubadria, Masjid At-Taqwa, St. Paul
Imam Shaban Aboubadria, Muslim American Society, St. Paul
Dr. Hamada Aboubakr, Maple Grove Masjid
Dr. Joel Abrahamson, Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church, Minneapolis
Rev. Ava Adams-Morris, Zoar United Church of Christ, Waldorf
Ms. Amina Adan, Dar Al Farooq Islamic Center, Bloomington
Mr. Feisal Amin, Mas Quran Institute
Rev. Nancy Anderson, Mayflower United Church of Christ, Minneapolis
Rev. Maria Anderson-Lippert, University Lutheran Church of Hope, Minneapolis
Rabbi Jill Avrin, Bet Shalom Reform Congregation, Minnetonka
Mrs. Fatmata Bah, Fridley
Rev. Jessica Bakken Busch, Faith Lutheran Church, Dodge Center
Rev. Oby Ballinger, Edina Morningside Community Church, Edina
Rev. Martha Bardwell, Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church, Minneapolis
Rev. Howard Bell, Mayflower, Minneapolis
Rev. W Bruce Benson, Retired
Ms. Jasmine Billey, Masjid Ar-Rahiem, Brooklyn Park
Mr. Lawrence Blake, Roman Catholic
Rev. Adam Blons, Macalester Plymouth United Church, St. Paul
Rev. Debbie Blue, House of Mercy, St. Paul
Rev. Brennan Blue, Presbytery of the Twin Cities Area
Deacon Dr. Amy Blumenshine, Minneapolis
Rev. Dr. Larry Boutelle, First Presbyterian Church, Rochester
Rev. Vanessa Bradby, New Spirit United Church of Christ, Savage
Pastor Todd Bratulich, Upper Room Community, Edina
Rev. Alan Bray, Trinity Lutheran Church, Gaylord
Rev. Jeanne Bringgold-Pro, New Spirit UCC, Savage
Rev. Sarah Brouwer, St. Paul’s United Church of Christ, St. Paul
Rev. Beth Buckwalter-Miller, Presbyterian Church (USA), Willmar
Father Harry Bury, Roman Catholic, St. Paul
Rev. Sarah Campbell, Mayflower Community Congregational UCC, Minneapolis
Rev. Jenny Cannon, Christ United Methodist, Rochester
Rev. Jay Carlson, Holy Cross Lutheran, Minneapolis
Rev. El’jah Carroll, St. Paul’s United Church of Christ, St. Paul
Rev. Justin Chapman, St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, Rochester
Mr. Naeem Chaudhry, Islamic Center of Twin Ports, Duluth
Rev. Dr. Catrina Ciccone, Bread of Life Deaf Lutheran and Tree of Life Lutheran, Minneapolis
Rev. Jen Collins, Redeemer Lutheran Church, Minneapolis
Dr. Allison Connelly-Vetter, Lyndale United Church of Christ, Minneapolis
Rev. Joan Conroy, ELCA, St Paul
Rev. Christopher Culuris, First Lutheran Church- St. Peter, Minnesota
Rev. Wyatt Dagit, St. Paul’s United Church of Christ, St. Paul
Pastor Trevor Daniels, Awaken Covenant Community, St. Paul
Rev. Andrew Davis, Union Presbyterian Church, Saint Peter
Rev. Jonathan Davis, St. John’s Lutheran Church (ELCA), Northfield
Minister Lauren Davis, First UCC Northfield
Rev. Dan Doering, People of Hope, Rochester
Ms. Jane Dow, First Congregational UCC Mankato
Rev. Laurie Eaton, Retired ELCA, Plymouth
Rev. Penny Entringer, Zoar United Church of Christ, Chaska
Rev. James Erlandson, Lutheran Church of the Redeemer, St. Paul
Rev. Nikoli Falenschek, Redeemer Lutheran Church & Southwestern Minnesota Synod of the ELCA, Henderson
Rev. Pamela Fickenscher, St. John’s Lutheran Church, Northfield
Pastor Alan Fiene, Friedens UCC, Norwood Young America
Rev. Denise Fossen, First English Lutheran Church, ELCA, Ortonville
Rev. Corinne Freedman Ellis, St Paul
Rev. Brad Froslee, St. Michael’s Lutheran Church, Roseville
Rev. Kirsten Fryer, Bethlehem Lutheran in the Midway, St. Paul
Rev. Donald Fulton, Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, St. Paul
Rev. Carolyn Fure-Slocum, Carleton College Chapel, Northfield
Rev. Kelly Gallagher, MNUCC, Minneapolis
Ms. Diane Gardner, Mayflower United Church of Christ, Minneapolis
Ms. Mary Gates, Hennepin Avenue United Methodist, Minneapolis
Rev. Dr. Carl-Eric Gentes, Good Shepherd (ELCA), Rochester
Rev. Desiree Gold, UCC New Brighton, New Brighton
Rev. Emily Goldthwaite, Edina Morningside United Church of Christ, Edina
Rev. Andrew Greenhaw, The Congregational Church UCC, Rochester
Rev. Robert Griggs, First United Church of Christ, Northfield
Rev. Daphne Hamborg, Grace Lutheran, Albert Lea
Imam Mustapha Hamida, Woodbury Islamic Center, Woodbury
Rev. Nancy Handlon, Christ United Methodist Church, Rochester
Rev. Corrine Haulotte, Lutheran Campus Center, Winona
Rev. Alison Hendley, Clearwater UMC, Clearwater
Pastor Glen Herrington-Hall, Cherokee Park United Church, St. Paul
Rev. Anita Hill, Grace University Lutheran Church, Minneapolis
Rev. Rhonda Hlavinka, Salem Lutheran Uptown ELCA, Minneapolis
Rev. Beth Hoffman Faeth, Plymouth Congregational Church, Minneapolis
Rev. Eliot Howard, Edina Morningside-Linden Hills UCC, Edinda
Rev. Shari Howell, Federation of Christian Ministries, Woodbury
Miss Kausar Hussain, Sukoon Healing of the Minds, Blaine
Deacon Diane Jacobson, ELCA Clergy & Professor Emerita at Luther Seminary, St. Paul
Mr. Abdishakur Jama, Darul Uloom Islamic Center, St. Paul
Ms. Rachel James, First Lutheran Church, Columbia Heights
Rev. Lisa Janke, Mount Olive Lutheran, Rochester
Father Paul Jaroszeski, Church of Saint Katharine Drexel, Ramsey
Rev. Dr. Elisabeth Johnson, Minneapolis Area Synod, ELCA
Rev. Hans Jorgensen, St Timothy Lutheran, St Paul
Mr. Abdoul Kann, Muslim Masjid AR Rahim, Brooklyn Park
Imam Abdirahman Kariye, Dar Al Farooq Center, Bloomington
Sister Betty Kenny, Franciscan, Rochester
Rev. Kirsten Kessel, First Lutheran Church of Crystal, Brooklyn Park
Rev. Rick King, Falcon Heights United Church of Christ, Falcon Heights
Rev. Amy Kosari, Presbyterian Church (USA), Rochester
Rev. David Landt, Mills Church, Minnetonka
Rev. Amanda Larsen, Christ United Methodist Church, Rochester
Rev. Karen Larson, Zwingli UCC, West Concord
Rev. David Lick, First Presbyterian Church, St James
Rev. Justin Lind-Ayres, Grace University Lutheran Church, Minneapolis
Pastor Jerry Mbartee Locula, Peace United Church of Christ, Rochester
Imam Siyad Lohos, Masjid Abu-Huraira Islamic Center, Saint Anthony
Rev. Benjamin Loven, Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, Rochester
Chaplain Lisa Lynott-Carroll, Peace United Church of Christ, St. Cloud
Rev. Cindy Maddox, First UCC, Northfield
Rev. Dr. Elizabeth Mahan, First Congregational UCC of Mankato
Rev. Catherine Malotky, Edina Community Lutheran Church, Edina
Rev. Michael Mandsager, Northfield
Rev. Babara Martin, Union Congregational UCC, St. Louis Park
Rev. Jeanne Martin, United Methodist Church
Rev. Dr. Theresa Mason, Camphor Memorial United Methodist Church, St. Paul
Pastor Judith Mattison, Calvary Lutheran Minneapolis
Rev. Chris McArdle, First Congregational Church UCC of Anoka
Rev. Jane McBride, First Congregational Church of MN UCC, Minneapolis
Rev. Dr. Joy McDonald Coltvet, Christ on Capitol Hill, St Paul
Sister Sr. Margaret McGuirk, Incarnation Catholic Church, Minneapolis
Rev. Rex McKee, Saint John the Baptist Episcopal Church, Minneapolis MN
Rev. Laura Messer, Faith Presbyterian, Silver Lake
Rev. Dr. Kent Meyer, Le Sueur
Ms. Melissa Miller, Our Lady of Grace, Edina
Imam Hassan Mohamed, South Metro Islamic Center, Rosemount
Mr. Ali Mohamed, Masjid Al Rahman, Bloomington
Imam Salah Mohamed, Masjid Abu-Huraira Islamic Center, Saint Anthony
Rev. Rachel Morey, Northfield United Methodist Church, Northfield
Dr. Bilal Murad, South Metro Islamic Center, Rosemount
Rev. Jen Nagel, University Lutheran Church of Hope, Minneapolis
Rev. Allan Negstad, Grace University Lutheran, Minneapolis
Rev. Julie Neraas, Plymouth Congregational Church Minneapolis
Rev. Laura Nordstrom, Stewartville UMC, Stewartville
Pastor Pastor Gregory Oats, Kingdom Builders Worship Center, St. Paul
Rev. John Odegard, Grace Lutheran Church, Mankato
Pastor Ole Olson, United Faith Community UCC, Buffalo
Miss Melody Olson, Awaken Community Community, St. Paul
Rev. Keith Olstad, Holy Trinity Lutheran, Minneapolis
Imam Mohamed Omar, Dar Al-Farooq Center, Bloomington
Rev. Ashley Osborn, Valley of Peace Lutheran Church, Golden Valley
Rev. Abigail Ozanne, Peace United Methodist, Plainview
Imam Vural Öztürk, Masjid Al-Taqwah, St. Paul
Rev. Lois Pallmeyer, Gloria Dei Lutheran, St. Paul
Rev. Hans Peterson, River of Hope Lutheran, Hutchinson
Rev. Matthias Peterson-Brandt, Cherokee Park United Church, St. Paul
Rev. Rory Philstrom, Christ the King Lutheran Church, Bloomington
Ms. Sharon Prestemon, Minnesota Conference United Church of Christ
Rev. Ingrid Rasmussen, Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Minneapolis
Ms. Kathy Redig, All Are One Roman Catholic Church, Winona
Rev. Jim Reuer Welton, Lutheran Campus Ministry-Twin Cities
Rev. Kate Reuer Welton, Lutheran Campus Ministry-Twin Cities
Rev. Kirkland Reynolds, Christ UMC, Rochester
Rev. Jacie Richmond, Bethlehem Lutheran, Mankato
Pastor Nathan Roberts, United Church of Christ, Columbia Heights
Dr. Stephen Robertson, First Presbyterian Church, Hastings
Rev. T. Michael Rock, Robbinsdale Parkway United Church of Christ, Robbinsdale
Associate Pastor Nicole Rockne, Rochester
Rev. Gretchen Rode, House of Hope Lutheran Church, Minneapolis
Mr. David Rojas, Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Minneapolis
Rev. Jennifer Rome, Pilgrim Lutheran Church, St. Paul
Rev. Phillip Romine, Presbytery of the Twin Cities Area
Rabbi Jessica Rosenberg, Minneapolis
Mr. Timothy Rotman, Zumbro Lutheran Church, Rochester
Rev. Miriam Samuelson-Roberts, Christ Church Lutheran, Minneapolis
Rev. John Schwehn, Augsburg University, Minneapolis
Ms Saffiatou Secka, Dar Al Farooq Islamic Center, Bloomington
Imam Walid Shadi, Muslim American Society, Blaine
Rev. Mary Shaffer, Mayflower UCC, Minneapolis
Rev. Carol Shaffer, First Presbyterian Church, Rochester
Rev. Dr. Patrick Shebeck, St. Paul-Reformation Lutheran Church, St. Paul
Rev. Matthew Sipe, Hilltop United Methodist Church, Mankato
Rev. Jan Skogstrom, Mayflower UCC, Minneapolis
Rev. Rob Smith, Spirit of Life Presbyterian, Apple Valley
Mrs. Cathy Solomon, Awaken Community, St. Paul
Rev. Ruth Sorenson, St. Paul
Rev. Liesl Spitz, St. Timothy Lutheran Church, St. Paul
Rev. Wendy Steger, All Saints Lutheran Church, Eagan
Rev. Luke Stevens-Royer, First Unitarian Universalist Church, Rochester
Rev. Les Svendsen, Central Lutheran, Minneapolis
Rev. Javen Swanson, St. Paul
Miss Sadia Tarannum, Northwest Islamic Community Center, Plymouth
Pastor Juli Thompson, St Stephen Lutheran Church, Minneapolis
Rev. Dr. Gary Titusdahl, Mayflower Community UCC, Minneapolis, MN
Rev. Mariah Tollgaard, Hamline Church United Methodist, St. Paul
Rev. Penelope Tower, Mayflower UCC, Minneapolis
Mrs. Sandy Tracy, River of Hope, Hutchinson
Deacon Carl Valdez, Church of the Incarnation, Minneapolis
Rev. Dr. Rebecca Voelkel, Lyndale United Church of Christ, Minneapolis
Rev. Rebecca von Fischer, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Rev. Dwight Wagenius, Mayflower UCC, Minneapolis
Rev. Amy Wick Moore, The United Church of Christ in New Brighton; New Brighton MN
Rev. Jan Wiersma, Community Presbyterian Church, Rochester
Rev. Bonnie Wilcox, First Lutheran Church, Columbia Heights
Rev. Victoria Wilgocki, St. Anthony Park United Church of Christ, St. Paul
Rev. Dr. Sara Wilhelm Garbers, Meetinghouse Church, Edina
Dr. Karen Wills, MUUSJA – Minnesota Unitarian Universalist Social Justice Alliance
Rev. Andrew Wright, Faith Mennonite Church & Minneapolis Mills Church, Minnetonka
Rev. Jonathan Zielske, St. Paul
Imam Abdirahman Bashir, Dar Al Farooq Islamic Center, Bloomington
Ms. Carolyn Thornton, Camphor Memorial United Methodist Church; St. Paul
Sheikh Said Rasle
Imam Tariq Awadallah, MCC Al-Rahman, St. Anthony
Imam Islaim Al-Sagheer, Maple Grove Masjid, Maple Grove
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