Health Experts Say Paid Leave Policies Create Better Health Outcomes
Commissioner of Health, Dr. Edward Ehlinger, and other health experts, joined faith and community leaders at the State Capitol for a press conference to bring attention to a new report released by…
Transit Challenge Gets Legislators on the Bus
Twin Cities (March 6, 2015)– This week, a bipartisan group of twenty-five Minnesota state legislators signed on to the #HowWeRollMN Transit Challenge, riding the bus and train to experience the…
New Coalition Calls on Legislature to Pass Paid Family Leave Program
On February 17, Minnesotans for Paid Family Leave, a new statewide coalition of working families, faith communities, labor, and nonprofit organizations, kicked off a campaign to push for paid family…
ISAIAH Leaders Work to Pass Citywide Policies for Paid Sick and Safe Time Off
2015 is an important election year in St. Paul. New members of the City Council and School Board will be elected. In the spirit of being Prophetic Voters and organizing people…
Transit Riders, Faith and Community Groups Call For Expanded Public Transportation Funding
One hundred transit riders from ISAIAH, Neighborhoods Organizing for Change, and other members of the Move MN coalition joined with state leaders, including Lieutenant Governor Tina Smith, State Senator Scott…
Faith and Community Leaders Announce Initiative to Close the Race Gap in Minnesota’s Juvenile Justice System
On Thursday February 5, faith leaders from African American communities and ISAIAH joined community and state leaders to announce their commitment to end racial disparities in Minnesota’s juvenile justice system. “Our juvenile…
Minnesota Drivers’ Licenses and Immigrants
As people of faith, we believe that every human being has sacred worth and is created in the image of God. The current situation in our nation where millions of…
Minneapolis School Board Candidate Equity Survey Results
ISAIAH leaders from several of our Minneapolis congregations joined together to interview and survey Minneapolis School Board candidates to assist our members in making informed voting decisions. These soon-to-be elected…
Met Council Takes Steps to Reduce Racial and Economic Inequities
The Metropolitan Council’s decision making record for our region is pretty clear – over the past couple decades, we have spent an awful lot on roadways in the outer ring…
Statement: Metropolitan Council May Fall Short on Opportunity for Racial Equity in Southwest Light Rail Project
St. Paul, MN – The Met Council and the City of Minneapolis announced this week they have reached a deal on the Southwest Light Rail project. With continued promises by…
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