Paying & Reaping Our Fair Share – Building the Beloved Community E-News
1 Corinthians 9:10
“Yes, it was written for us, so that the one who plows and the one who threshes the grain might both expect a share of the harvest.”
This is “raise revenue” week here in Minnesota, but I’d venture to say that the pandemic has made it clear that we should be lifting up our voices all year round to raise revenue. We all need and desire similar things: care, community, health, the ability to make a living and a life. All of these things are possible when we all contribute our fair share AND get to reap the benefits of our fair share too.
We have a lopsided system right now. Those who work their fingers to the bone, struggle and strife, are often the essential workers, our carers and laborers who have kept us well, before and during the pandemic. They also are denied good wages, healthcare, and quality education. Those who’ve taken our collective resources through loopholes and tax cuts, take second and third helpings of our harvest, selling back to us what already belongs to us in crumb-form, instead of the ample bread we delivered.
We can and will have more. We not only expect a fair share of our harvest; we demand it. When we make sure the very wealthy put back into the state all that they’ve taken, we will not only survive the pandemic, but we’ll thrive for generations.
Qu’ran Reflection
“Ibn ‘Abbas (RAA) narrated that when the Prophet (ﷺ) sent Mu’adh Ibn Jabal to Yemen (as governor), he said to him: ‘[Tell] them that Allah has made it obligatory for them to pay Zakah upon their assets and it is to be taken from the wealthy among them and given to the poor among them.’ Related by Al-Bukhari
In Islam, all qualifying believers must participate in a mandatory wealth based alms to help others called zakat. Everyone is called upon to give 2.5% of their wealth to charities and those in need. Zakat is one of the five foundational pillars of our faith, as believers we must reflect upon its importance.
Allah commands us to give up our wealth for various reasons. First, we must understand that nothing on this earth is truly ours and ours alone, but rather everything down to the last penny, was given to us by Allah. And if he commands us to share, we must. Zakat, the very act of sharing our wealth, is also understood as a way of purifying our wealth. Islam encourages entrepreneurship and earning money, but we must never get over attached. Money is meant to be circulated equally and fairly in order to create a more balanced society.
Thus, as Muslims our faith inclines us to stand with any measures that ensure an equal distribution of wealth among the community. Any measures that are engineered to grow the wealth gap between citizens are frowned upon in the eyes of Islam. We must work to create a caring economy where everyone pays their fair share.

Capitol Updates
Today is the first Paid Family Medical Leave committee hearing in the house and a press conference to follow. (8:30-noon today)
Minnesota House’s Public Safety and Criminal Justice Reform Finance and Policy Committee will be hearing HF9: The Democracy for the People Act and HF876: its Restore the Vote provision. (1pm-2:30 today)
Every Monday through end of legislative session, we give short updates about what’s happening at the Capitol, and more importantly, how you can shape it. This happens through a weekly email called The Show Up. It will give you a clear path on how you can “Show Up” and how you can be the most engaged, effective and powerful in making more possible for your family, community, and state.

Democracy Day of Action
On Tuesday, 100+ Minnesotans across race & region met with state legislators to talk about creating a robust democracy where Minnesotans get a voice and have the freedom to decide what’s best for our families, communities, and state. This is democracy in action!

Virtual Muslim Day at the Capitol
“Minnesotans need to see examples of a government that cares for them, a government that sets a high bar for what is possible and then fights for it. The Minnesotans we talked to in 2020 want to believe this better future is possible.” -Shazia Rahman, Muslim Coalition leader
In collaboration with MAS Minnesota, 400+ Minnesotans virtually gathered with Governor Walz, Lt. Governor Peggy Flanagan, Attorney General Keith Ellison, Senate Minority Leader Susan Kent, and other electeds at our Muslim Day at the Capitol under the shared agenda and vision for the future we’re creating together. Together, we make Minnesota and are ready to create a state government #WhoCaresForUs!

Department of Early Childhood HF1024
All families deserve to have a safe and healthy place for their children to learn and grow—no matter what they look like or what’s in their wallets.
The childcare system needs to prioritize children and center the voices of providers and families. But Minnesota currently has over twelve different early childhood education programs managed by three different state agencies. This dispersal of responsibility makes navigating the numerous regulations and imposing any widespread positive change difficult.
Recently, HF1024 was introduced to create one agency focused on early childhood. The department will ensure accountability, coordination, and communication within Minnesota’s early childhood system and jump starts the structural change required to allow our youngest Minnesotans to thrive.
The time is now for Minnesota to seize on opportunities to build an early childhood care and education system that works for all Minnesota families.

Licenses for All
Every Minnesotan, regardless of immigration status, deserves to be able to connect to family, work and community. Watch as powerful stories are told by community members, state legislators, and leadership stand together ready to advance this popular, moral, and common sense legislation for all Minnesotans to thrive!

Public Safety in Minneapolis Hearing
A system that serves a few hurts us all. Whatever our race, background, or zip code, we all deserve to move through our communities with dignity and safety. This afternoon, the Minneapolis City Council heard from ISAIAH leaders across coalitions and backgrounds about OUR vision for safe communities. The people of Minneapolis deserve a place at the table and a vote on the ballot to create public safety that serves us all—no exceptions.

Revenue Day of Action
Governor Walz’s budget reflects our Minnesota values by asking the wealthiest Minnesotans to pay their fair share so that all of us, Black or white, Latino or Asian, indigenous or immigrant, can care for our loved ones, put food on the table and roof over our heads. It is time for us to join together so that after this crisis we ensure every one of us can care for our families. We will meet with legislators, hear stories and have press present to make a big splash on this issue!

Southern Minnesota Climate Summit
Southern Minnesotans, we have an incredibly important role to play to ensure we and future generations have clean water, clean air, and a livable planet. Too often, some politicians undermine the fast, just transition we need to a sustainable future by pitting us against one another based on where we live. We have to demonstrate Greater Minnesota expects bold climate leadership from our elected officials, and we’re already leading! In this Summit, we will align partner organizations from across our region to learn from one another and take strategic action on a number of fronts, from stopping Line 3 to promoting Clean Cars, 100% legislation, and local climate action plans.
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