2021 Federal Climate & Care Week of Action

Take actions this August help make a Minnesota for all of us.

Right now, the Biden administration is proposing historic investments in the things we all need to thrive. While we’re experiencing real crisis and pain across this country, we can advance the biggest investments to #FundOurFutures since President Lyndon B. Johnson implemented the Great Society agenda in an effort to end poverty and racial injustice. Our communities need this transformational change now. So we’re going to let our Members of Congress know that #MinnesotaIsReady to lead for:

  • Childcare funding to make sure all families can access high quality childcare, while no childcare worker must live in poverty
  • Cutting child poverty in half by making the child tax credit permanent
  • Paid time to care for our loved ones when we’re needed most by establishing national paid family and medical leave
  • Ensuring our future by investing in climate resilience and clean energy infrastructure
  • Protecting our democracy by defending the right to vote

Join us for a Week of Action to Kick-off Congressional August Recess! 


Congressional Climate and Care Policy and Strategy Briefing

Monday, August 9th from 6:30-8pm


Care and Climate Federal Phone Bank

Join a phone bank to call fellow ISAIAH members and leaders and generate calls to their congressperson and senator and demand bold action for climate and care!

Tuesday, August 10, 6pm - 9pm



Letter to the Editor Writing Training

Join a Climate and Care Infrastructure Letter to the Editor Writing Session. We will provide training, talking points and time to write and submit your letters during these sessions.

Wednesday, August 11, 7pm - 8pm



Care and Climate Federal Phone Bank

Join a phone bank to call fellow ISAIAH members and leaders and generate calls to their congressperson and senator and demand bold action for climate and care!

Thursday, August 12, 6pm - 9pm



Letter to the Editor Writing Training

Join a Climate and Care Infrastructure Letter to the Editor Writing Session. We will provide training, talking points and time to write and submit your letters during these sessions.

Friday, August 13, 12pm - 1pm