100+ Clergy Call on Minnesota Legislature to Pass 100% Clean Energy
To the Members of the Minnesota House and Senate,
As clergy and faith leaders representing congregations across Minnesota, we urge our state elected officials to pass the 100% Clean Energy Bill.
We have been assigned the role of God’s stewards on earth. It is our duty to protect this earth for all its inhabitants, and for future generations. So far, we have not lived up to this tremendous responsibility. The 100% bill gives us an opportunity to take things in the right direction.
Our job, as faith leaders, is to listen to the hearts of our people. We hear their grief and anxiety over escalating climate impacts–dangerous weather, droughts, famines, species loss, migration, escalating conflicts over resources. We hear their helplessness and cynicism as they imagine continuing down our current path of complacency. And we hear the fear and frustration of our children, teens and young adults as they look ahead, wondering if they have any future at all.
We know our people. We know most Minnesotans across skin color and faith traditions whole-heartedly support the bold change needed to address the climate crisis. We know they are yearning, in their souls, to act to protect everyone and everything that we love.
But fossil fuel companies, Big Polluters, and the politicians they’ve bought continue to put their own profits over the care and wellbeing of our families, planet, and future. This is wrong and unacceptable.
As people of faith, our deep moral grounding compels us to adopt the practices outlined in the 100% bill—to care for land, air and water, to green electricity generation, to electrify homes and transportation, to lower energy costs, to create new climate-friendly jobs and businesses, and to make racial and economic equity a priority as we do all of this.
Our faith traditions teach us to work together for the common good. In this moment of crisis, we need each other. No person, no household, no city, no religious institution, no state or nation can address climate change alone. The people of Minnesota must come together to do our part, joining a movement that will encompass all of us, collaborating at all levels of life and government.
You, our elected leaders, are in a position to do something incredible, something transformational, something that will fill us all with hope. Your support for the 100% Clean Energy bill is the single most important gift you can give us, our children, and all future generations. We are counting on you.
Signed By:
Rev. Rex McKee, Saint John the Baptist Episcopal Church, Minneapolis
Rev. Denise Fossen, First English Lutheran Church, ELCA, Ortonville, MN
Allison Connelly-Vetter, Lyndale United Church of Christ, Minneapolis, MN
Rev Eliot Howard, Edina Morningside-Linden Hills UCC, Edina MN
Rev. Alison Hendley, Clearwater UMN
Rev Keith Olstad, Holy Trinity Lutheran (retired)
Rev Laurie Eaton, Retired ELCA, Plymouth MN
Dr. Joel Abrahamson, Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church, Minneapolis
Sister Betty Kenny, Rochester MN Franciscan
Dr. Elisabeth Johnson, Minneapolis Area Synod, ELCA
Rev Roberta Haskin, Retired, Bloomington
Rev. Alan Bray, Trinity Lutheran Church, Gaylord, MN
Ms. Kathy Redig, All Are One Roman Catholic—-Winona
Pastor Ole Olson, United Faith Community UCC, Buffalo, MN
Mr. Trevor Daniels, Awaken Covenant Community, Saint Paul
Rev. Karen Larson, Zwingli UCC, West Concord
Rev. Jen Nagel, University Lutheran Church of Hope, Minneapolis
Father Paul Jaroszeski, Church of Saint Katharine Drexel, Ramsey, MN
Rev. Hans Jorgensen, St Timothy Lutheran, St Paul
Rev. Jenny Cannon, Christ United Methodist Church, Rochester
Rev. Jane McBride, First Congregational Church of MN, UCC
Rev. Victoria Wilgocki, St. Anthony Park United Church of Christ, St. Paul
Imam Mohamed Omar, Dar Alfarooq Center
Rev. Matthias Peterson-Brandt, Cherokee Park United Church
Rev. Sarah Brouwer, St. Paul’s United Church of Christ, Saint Paul
Rev. Sarah Brouwer, St. Paul’s United Church of Christ, Saint Paul
Rev. Phillip Romine, Presbytery of the Twin Cities Area
Rev. Cindy Maddox, First UCC, Northfield
Rev. T. Michael Rock, Robbinsdale Parkway United Church of Christ, Robbinsdale
Rev. Rick King, Falcon Heights United Church of Christ
Rev. Dwight Wagenius, Mayflower UCC, Minneapolis
Rev. Ingrid Rasmussen, Holy Trinity Lutheran Church
Rev. Adam Blons, Macalester Plymouth United Church, St. Paul
Rev. Wyatt Dagit, St. Paul’s United Church of Christ, St. Paul
Reverend Mary Shaffer, Mayflower UCC, Minneapolis. MN
Rev. Janice Skogstrom, Mayflower UCC
Dr. DeWayne Davis, Plymouth Congregational Church, Minneapolis
Rev. Kelly Gallagher, St. Paul’s on Summit, St. Paul, MN
Rev Maria Anderson-Lippert, University Lutheran Church of Hope, Minneapolis
Rev Nancy Anderson, Mayflower, Mpls
Rev Sarah Campbell, Team Lead Minister at Mayflower UCC
Pastor Nathan Roberts, United Church of Christ
Rev. Hierald Osorto, St. Paul’s/San Pablo Lutheran Church
Rev. Theresa Roos, Mayflower United Church of Christ, Minneapolis MN
Rev. Dr. Catrina Ciccone, Bread of Life Deaf Lutheran and Tree of Life Lutheran, Minneapolis
Rev Howard Bell, Mayflower, Minneaoplis
Rev Andy Davis, Union Presbyterian, Saint Peter
Rev Liesl Spitz, St. Timothy Lutheran Church, St. Paul
Rev. Justin Lind-Ayres, Grace University Lutheran Church, Minneapolis
Rev. Amy Wick Moore, The United Church of Christ in New Brighton; New Brighton MN
Rev Justin Chapman, St. Luke’s Epsicopal Church, Rochester
Rev. Nikoli Falenschek, Redeemer Lutheran Church (Henderson, MN) & SW-MN Synod of ELCA
Rev. Dr. Gary Titusdahl, Mayflower Community UCC, Minneapolis, MN
Rev. Vanessa Bradby, New Spirit United Church of Christ, Savage MN
Rev. Donald Fulton, Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, St. Paul
Rev Martha Bardwell, Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church, Minneapolis
Rev. Ashley Osborn, Valley of Peace Lutheran Church
Rev Gretchen Rode, House of Hope
Ms. Miriam Samuelson-Roberts, Christ Church Lutheran, Minneapolis
The Rev. Michael Mandsager, Northfield Retirement Community
Rev. Oby Ballinger, Edina Morningside Community Church, Edina
Deacon Dr. Amy Blumenshine, Coming Home Collaborative
Rev. Kate and Jim Reuer Welton, Lutheran Campus Ministry-Twin Cities
Rev. Penelope Tower, Mayflower UCC Minneapolis
Reverend Sharon Prestemon, Minnesota Conference United Church of Christ
Rev Les Svendsen, Central Lutheran, Minneapolis
Mrs. Cathy Solomon, Awaken Community, St. Paul
Rev. Hannah Campbell Gustafson, Staff (not clergy) at Plymouth Congregational Church, Minneapolis
Rev. John Schwehn, Augsburg University, Minneapolis
The Rev. Catherine Malotky, retired ELCA pastor, member at Edina Community Lutheran Church, Edina
Rev Lauren Baske Davis, First UCC
Rev. Corinne Freedman Ellis, St Paul, MN
Rev. David Landt, Mills Church, Minnetonka
Ms. Rev. Dr. Rebecca Voelkel, Lyndale United Church of Christ
Rev. Carolyn Fure-Slocum, Carleton College Chapel, Northfield
Rev. Kirkland Reynolds, Christ UMC, Rochester
Ms. Jane Dow, First Congegational UCC Mankato
Rev. Carolyn Fure-Slocum, Carleton College Chapel
Rev. Lisa Janke, Mount Olive Lutheran, Rochester
Reverend James Erlandson, Lutheran Church of the Redeemer, St. Paul
Rev Debbie Blue, House of Mercy, St. Paul
Rev. Dr. Kent Meyer, Kent
Rev. Corrine Haulotte, Lutheran Campus Center, Winona
Rev. Rory Philstrom, Christ the King Lutheran Church, Bloomington
Rev Mariah Tollgaard, Hamline Church United Methodist, St Paul
Dr. Diane and Paul Jacobson, ELCA, professor emerita, Luther Seminary, St. Paul, MN
Rev. Jennifer Rome, Pilgrim Lutheran Church, St. Paul
Ms. Bailey DeVetter, First Presbyterian Church of Mankato (Mankato, MN)
Rev. Javen Swanson, Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, St. Paul
Rev Rhonda Hlavinka, Salem Lutheran Uptown MPLS ELCA
Rev. Wendy Steger, All Saints Lutheran Church, Eagan
Minister JaNaé Bates, Camphor Memorial United Methodist Church, Saint Paul
Rev Karsten Nelson, Our Redeemer Lutheran, St Paul
Imam Asad Zaman, Muslim American Society
Najam Qureshi, Maple Grove Masjid, Maple Grove
Dr. Abdul Dardery, Brooklyn Park Islamic Center
Shaykh Saifullah Muhammad, NWICC Plymouth
Rev. Meta Carlson, Bethlehem Lutheran Church Twin Cities
Rev. Chris McArdle, First Congregational Church UCC, Anoka
Rev. Monica Powers, Lyndale UCC, Minneapolis
Mr. Elijah Carroll, St Paul’s UCC
Rev. Danielle Bartz, First Congregational Church of Winona United Church of Christ, Winona
Mr. Michael Small, Community Church of Walker United Church of Christ
Rev. Dr. Sandra Johnson, First Congregational Church of Minnesota, UCC, Minneapolis, MN
Rev. Margo Richardson, First Congregational Church of MN, Minneapolis
Rev. Herbert Perkins, First presbyterian, Redwing, Minnesota
Dr. Tamim Saidi, Muslim
Rev. Mary Kay Sauter, Plymouth Congregational minneapolis
Ms. Vicki Lambert, Christ Episcopal Church, Red Wing
Deacon Kirsten Kessel, First Lutheran of Crystal, Brooklyn Park
Rev Martha Bardwell, Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church, Minneapolis
Rev BARBARA MARTIN, Union Congregational United Church of Christ St. Louis Park
Miss Torri Vande Zande, Rev. Torri Vande Zande; Union Congregational UCC, Hackensack
Mr. Enno Limvere, First Congregational UCC Grand Marais, MN
Pastor Alan Fiene, Friedens United Church of Christ, Norwood Young America
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