Care for the Little Ones – Building the Beloved Community E-News
Matthew 18:10
“See that you do not despise one of these little ones. For I tell you that in heaven their angels always see the face of my Father who is in heaven.”
This Tuesday will be the Childcare Lobby Day where we’ll get to see lots of cute faces of 4- and 5-year-olds with their care takers, providers and teachers in childcare. What we’ll also learn is that the people who’ve risked their health and wellness for our littlest Minnesotans to be cared for during COVID-19, also work in the lowest paid and unjust professional industry in the state.
The childcare field is made up of mostly women and women of color who are required to have high academic degrees, yet often make less than minimum wage. They are told the lie at the legislature that the work of caring for our kids is charitable and the 1000s of families who can barely afford childcare because of the low wages they are paid, are charity cases.
NO! We will not accept these lies. We will not despise the little ones of Minnesota, the families who love and care for them, as well as the community of providers who are making it possible for these families to work. One-off funding in a pandemic is necessary but what’s truly essential is the livable wages and full funding for kids, parents and childcare teachers now and for generations.
Qu’ran Reflection Chapter 60 — Ayah 8
“Allah does not forbid you from dealing kindly and fairly with those who have not fought you nor driven you out of your homes. Surely Allah loves those who are fair.”
There are a handful of people, who benefit in power, position and profit when people are divided. Using things like our race, faith or geography are tools, weaponized to stoke fear. Rather than letting our faiths divide us from others, we can accomplish quite a bit if we cooperate where our faiths or ethics merge. Be it an agnostic who wants to help the homeless so (s)he has a sense of purpose and meaning, or be it a Hindu who believes in protecting the environment. Or be it, anyone, from outside our own faith, even from another click from inside our own masjid, church, or synagogue. Let us not divide ourselves where it is not necessary. Let us say our peace, offer our own message, and then let it be. We can cooperate with others for the common good.

Capitol Updates
Despite refusal by Senate Leadership, Paid Family & Medical Leave is still in play…
HF 1200, which would create a statewide program that would allow up 12 weeks off, to care for themselves or loved ones, has now passed in seven (7!) House committees!
Though the Senate refused to hear the bill by yesterday’s deadline, we still have the possibility to have victory in the last days of session. We must continue to push Sen. Gazelka, who has blocked this popular piece of legislation for years, to finally pass Paid Family Medical Leave.
Revenue Hearings this Week
There will be several hearings this week that are about making it possible for all Minnesotans to thrive – no matter our race, income or where in the state we call home. This will require making the richest Minnesotans, especially those who’ve made a profit off our illness during the pandemic, pay their fair share. Stay tuned through Monday’s Show Up email on how to amplify and support. #ShareTheWealth #FundOurFutures

Kids Count On Us Childcare Lobby Day#FundOurFutures Week of Action
Every child in Minnesota—regardless of race, creed, or location—deserves to thrive. We are showing up big with our legislators this year for the fully funded childcare system we need. Providers, teachers, and family members from centers across the state and supporters will come together virtually to share stories about experiences in childcare and demand the funding and voice at the table we know we need.

Last Day to Sign to Keep ISAIAH Leader Carlos Urrutia Home
All of us, regardless of race or immigration status, deserve to be treated with dignity. ISAIAH leader Carlos Urrutia needs your help to stay in Minnesota (his home of 27 years). Sign the petition below to show your support and KEEP CARLOS HOME! His lawyers need the signatures by tomorrow night (Sunday 3/21).

2021 Legislative Actions
The decisions our elected leaders make on the state budget in the next two months could put us on a path to not only recover, but to build a brighter future. This is not the time to shy back from ensuring the wealthiest Minnesota pay their fair share so that we are able to fund our lives and our future.
This is not the moment to leave anyone behind in a caring economy or multi-racial democracy. But it will take all of us in the next two months to hold lawmakers accountable to this vision. Take action on the issues below to advance our agenda this legislative session!

Justice for George Floyd and Trial Update
Jury selection continues and the trial is set to begin March 29th. George Floyd, his family and the community deserves justice after the world witnessed Floyd’s eight minute murder by the Minneapolis Police Department in on Memorial Day 2020. It’s important to remember, that no matter the result of this trial, that will not be justice for George Floyd.
We – the people of Minnesota, of Minneapolis, George Floyd’s neighbors and community members – do not have to wait, sitting on our hands, helpless and wishing, that a judge, jury and legal team give us justice. That has never been a way for us to get justice and it is absurd to believe that’s how we will today.
What we can do is continue the work we started when we marched in the streets together, when we voted in record numbers together and when we loudly declared that Black Lives Matter, making that resound across the country and globe. We can and are reimagining what safe communities are and creating them. We’re fighting to structurally change laws and rules that have been rigged against us, so that we can finally be the boss of the police department, instead of them extorting us and our resources with a false sense of safety.
We can and will get justice for George Floyd, Jamar Clark, Philando Castile and the thousand others who have been slain by unaccountable police forces, when we stop “reforming” them and finally transform them into the departments of violence prevention and public safety that we all need.

It’s Time to #FundOurFutures
State legislators are getting ready to set their budget priorities for the next 2 years. We have a critical opportunity to ask lawmakers to make Early Childhood programs front and center in their budget.
Please take a moment to send a message to your State Representative and urge them to #FundOurFutures by prioritizing childcare! For more background, check out Kids Count On Us leaders and childcare workers Helen White & Karin Swenson discuss their perspectives on the urgent need for our lawmakers to prioritize childcare on the #WeMakeMN Essential Workers Series.

Take Action Against Anti-Asian Racism
The violence in Atlanta against the Asian American community is not a one-off nor inevitable. Every one of us has the responsibility (and Joy) to create the conditions in our cities, state and country where no matter what you look like, where you come from or where you live, you can be safe and care for yourself and your loved ones. Speaking out against race and place-based violence is step one. Doing the work of creating safe communities are what we are doing together. A beautiful, multiracial democratic future is possible. We already have all we need to create it.
Minneapolis Caucus Trainings
We want to invite YOU (and your friends, neighbors, family, church members, or anyone else you know in Minneapolis) to join us at an upcoming virtual event to:
- Discuss public safety & rent stabilization, specifically what is in the proposed charter amendments with space for questions
- Dig into why caucuses are so essential this year
- Get trained concretely on how the virtual caucus process will work
- Share resources and a mission to invite more people into this effort with us
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