Clergy and Faith Leaders Call for Voting Protections
Senate Majority Leader Paul Gazelka
Speaker of the House Melissa Hortman
Senator Mary Kiffmeyer, Chair, State Government Finance and Policy and Elections Committee
Rep. Raymond Dehn, Chair, Subcommittee on Elections
Dear Sen. Gazelka, Rep. Hortman, Sen. Kiffmeyer, and Rep. Dehn,
No matter where we live or the color of our skin, Minnesotans value participating in civic life. We are especially proud that our democracy is robust in Minnesota and we take our right and responsibility to vote seriously.
Minnesotans know that we will pull through this COVID-19 crisis by pulling together. As clergy, imams, and religious leaders across the state we call on state legislative leadership to ensure that our elections do not leave anyone behind.
We urge you to act now to ensure that no Minnesotan has to choose between their health and their civic rights and responsibilities in elections this year. We also urge you to consider the health of those who volunteer to run our elections.
This time of crisis is a time to pull together. Nothing reflects pulling together more than Minnesotans working hard to protect the rights and safety of every citizen’s neighbor’s vote.
We call on legislative leaders to:
- Authorize the Minnesota Secretary of State to authorize a vote by mail election and send every registered voter a ballot.
- Maintain the opportunity to vote in person safely. With vote by mail we can safely vote with fewer polling places and practice appropriate physical distancing while giving Minnesotans the option and security to vote in the way that makes sense for them.
- Allow the Secretary of State to use the federal funds Minnesota has been allocated to cover the cost of these changes, including assistance for local authorities to administer these changes. Expanding vote by mail while maintaining polling places will be an increased expense on the system overall and on counties, which is why the federal government already acted to ensure the costs would be covered. The legislature needs to do what 49 other states have done, and ensure that the money can be used to ensure that every citizen can cast a ballot safely.
We trust that you share the values of protecting the ability of every eligible Minnesotan to cast their vote safely and expeditiously. We know you also are concerned about the health of the public in the midst of this pandemic. The great uncertainty of the current public health crisis is unprecedented in our lifetimes. We urge you to take urgent action now, during regular legislative session, to ensure our democracy is protected so the will of the people may prevail in November. Thank you for your timely consideration of this matter, and as always, thank you for your service to the people of Minnesota.
Signed by,1
Rabbi Aaron Weininger
Adath Jeshurun Congregation, Minnetonka
Rev. Abigail Henderson
Minnesota Conference of the United Church of Christ, Minneapolis
Rev. Adam Blons
Macalester Plymouth United Church, St. Paul
Rabbi Adam Stock Spilker
Mount Zion Temple, St. Paul
Mr. Alan Fiene
Prairie Community Church Evangelical UCC, Lester Prairie
Rabbi Alexander Davis
Beth El Synagogue, St Louis Park
Elder Alexander Wildar
High Praise Ministries
Peter Schattauer
Advent Lutheran Church, Maple Grove
Rev. John Gabrielson
Atonement Lutheran, St. Cloud
Rev. Clark Cary
Bethel Lutheran Church Northfield
Deacon Nancy Maeker
Bethlehem Lutheran Church-Twin Cities
Rev. Steven Delzer
Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Minneapolis
Rev. Amy Wick Moore
The United Church of New Brighton
Deacon Dr. Julie Beck
Braham Lutheran Church
Rev. Andrea Johnson
MN Valley UU fellowship Bloomington
Rev. Andrew Davis
Union Presbyterian Church, Saint Peter
Baird Linke
Calvary Lutheran Church, Edina
Angela Stewart
Carole Joyce
Carole Joyce Mount Olive Lutheran Rochester
Rev. Dr. Anita L. Bradshaw
Mayflower United Church of Christ, Minneapolis
Ralph Baumgartner
Christ Lutheran Church on Capitol Hill, Saint Paul
Kristie Hennig
Christ Lutheran Church on Capitola Hill, St. Paul
Anne Attea
Church of Ascension, Minneapolis
Anne Attea
Church of the Ascension, Minneapolis
Rabbi Arielle Lekach-Rosenberg
Shir Tikvah, Minneapolis
Arline Datu
Saint Thomas More Catholic Church, Saint Paul
John Schwehn
Christ the King Lutheran Church, New Brighton
Imam Asad Zaman
Muslim American Society of Minnesota
Susan Vikstrom
Christ the River of LIfe Lutheran Church, Minneapolis
Rev. Barbara Byers
Unity Church-Unitarian, Saint Paul
Barbara Martin
Union Congregational United Church of Christ, St. Louis Park
Katelyn Rakotoarivelo
Concordia Lutheran Church of Pickerel Lake, Albert Lea
Pastor Corey Lange
Dilworth Lutheran Church, Dilworth
Rev. Bill Miller
Bethesda Care Center, Willmar
Bob Lindhart
Our Saviors, Austin
Rev. Bonnie Forsman
Mayflower United Church of Christ, Minneapolis
Pastor Jon Nelson
Ebenezer & Tripolis Lutheran Parish, Kandiyohi
Susan Weaver
Edina Community Lutheran, Edina
Carla Johnson
Luther’s Church of the Redeemer, St.Paul
Joan Conroy
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Rev. Carolyn Fure-Slocum
Carleton College Chapel, Northfield
Rev. Carolyn Hendrixson
Mayflower United Church of Christ, Minneapolis
Rev. Cary Eustis
MHealth Fairview,University of Minnesota Medical Center,Chaplain/Chaplain Educator
Rev. Dell Sanderson
Faith Lutheran Church, Morris
Rev. Chris McArdle
First Congregational Church (United Church of Christ), Anoka
Rev. Salim Kaderbhai
Faith Lutheran, Madelia, MN and Our Saviour’s Lutheran, Lake Crystal, MN
Dr. Christian Collins Winn
Colonial Church
Christian Briones
Mayflower United Church of Christ, Minneapolis
Gwen Hermanson
First Lutheran Church in Saint Peter
Rev. Christine Beebe
St. Johnís Episcopal Church, Mankato
Christine Sorensen
Church of the Risen Savior, Burnsville
Rev. Cindy Mueller
St. Paul’s United Church of Christ, St. Paul
Rev. Cj Valenti
Zion Evangelical Luthearn Church, Minneapolis
Rev. Nathan Roberts
First Lutheran Church of Columbia Heights, MN
Clay Oglesbee
United Methodist Clergy
Coqui Conkey
Associated Church, Owatonna
Rev. Sharon Bridges
First Lutheran Church, Alexandria
Rev. Corinne Freedman Ellis
Macalester Plymouth United Church, St. Paul
Corinne Smith
Cannon Valley Friends Meeting, Northfield
Rev. Cynthia Riggin
Lynnhurst Congregational United Church of Christ, Minneapolis
Father Dale Korogi
Church of the Ascension, Minneapolis
Rev. Dale Stuepfert
Mayflower United Church of Christ, Minneapolis
Dan Miglets-Nelson
Christ Episcopal Church, Woodbury
Rev. Dan Doering
People of Hope, Rochester
Rev. Dana Mann
1st Congregational United Church of Christ, Mankato
Pastor Alexis Huseby
First Lutheran Church, Columbia Heights
Rev. Daniel Belgum
First Lutheran Church, Morris
Jeanette McCormick
First Lutheran, Worrhingtom
Rev. Daniel Crandall
Belgrade Avenue UMC
David Hahn
St Joan of Arc Catholic Community, Minneapolis
Rev. David Landt
David Landt, Mills Church, Minnetonka
Rabbi David Steinberg
Temple Israel, Duluth
Rabbi David Locketz
Bet Shalom Congregation, Minnetonka
Kristina Hill
Glen Cary Lutheran Church, Ham Lake
Rev. Deborah Blue
House of Mercy, St. Paul
Rabbi Debra Rappaport
Shir Tikvah Congregation, Minneapolis
Rev. Dee Pederson
Director for Evangelical Mission, St. Cloud
Pastor Javen Swanson
Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, Saint Paul
Rev. Bradley Schmeling
Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, St. Paul
Dr. Diana Robertson
Mayflower United Church of Christ, Minneapolis
Dianna Diers
First Universalist Church Minneapolis
Rev. Don Fulton
Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, St. Paul
Donald Crumbley
Barbershops Creating Change In The Community
Rev. Donna Draeger
United Methodist Church of Minnesota
Anita C Hill
Grace University Lutheran Church, Minneapolis
Jenny Mason
Grace University Lutheran Church, Minneapolis
Rev. Douglas Donley
University Baptist Church, Minneapolis
Dr. Charvez Russell
Greater Friendship Missionary Baptist Church, Minneapolis
Earnest Bolin-Johnson
High Praise Ministries The Destiny Center, Minneapolis
Jonathan Buuck
Grace University Lutheran Church, Minneapolis
Rev. Eily Marlow
Macalester College, Saint Paul
Elicia Bridges
High Praise Ministries The Destiny Center, Minneapolis
Rev. Eliot Howard
Linden Hills United Church of Christ
Mary Halvorson
Grace University Lutheran Church, Minneapolis
Sister Eman Haymour
Muslim American Society, Blaine
Rev. Emily Goldthwaite Fries
United Church of Christ
Rabbi Emma Kippley-Ogman
Macalester College Center for Religious and Spiritual Life
Rev. Tom Von Fischer
Grace University Lutheran Church, Minneapolis
Rev. Amanda Simons
Gustavus Adolphus Lutheran Church, St. Paul
Rabbi Esther Adler
Mount Zion Temple, Saint Paul
Faye Mattison
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Mankato, Mankato
Rev. Fernando Ortega
St Cyril & Methodius Catholic Church in NE. Minneapolis
Gaye Sorenson
Christ on Capitol Hill
Rev. Gregory Gilbert
St Paul Metro in Hospice
Rev. Daniel Bowman
Hawk Creek Lutheran Church, Sacred Heart
Pastor Michael Mandsager
Highview Christiania Lutheran Church, Farmington
Hannah Campbell Gustafson
Plymouth Congregational Church, Minneapolis
Rev. Ingrid Rasmusen
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Minneapolis
Imam Hassan Mohamed
(SMIC) South Metro Islamic Center
Rev. Howard Bell
Mayflower United Church of Christ, Minneapolis
Iman Jafri
Carleton College Chapel, Northfield
Rev. Ronald Duty
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Minneapolis
Andrew Tengwall
Hope Lutheran Church, Saint Paul
Jackie Falk
Jackie Falk, Chaplain St. Louis County Jail Pilgrim UCC, Duluth
Jaddie Edwards
Kingdom Life, Minneapolis
Pastor Gretchen Rode
House of Hope Lutheran Church, New Hope
Fr. James Radde
Ascension, Minneapolis
Rev. James Gaughan
United Methodist Church of Minnesota
Jamieya Bolin-Johnson
High Praise Ministries the Destiny Center, Minneapolis
Rev. Jan Wiersma
Rochester Friends Meeting, Rochester
Rev. Jan Skogstrom
Mayflower United Church of Christ, Minneapolis
Minister JaNae’ Bates
Camphor Memorial United Methodist Church, Saint Paul
Rev. Jane McBride
First Congregational Church of Minnesota, UCC, Minneapolis
Jane Wells
SINT Mary’s Episcopal Church, Saint Paul
The Rev. Jane Geffken Henderson
retired UCC minister
The Rev. Janet MacNally
St. Christopher’s Episcopal Church, Roseville, Minnesota
Rabbi Jason Klein
Temple Israel, Minneapolis
Rev. Ben Whalen
House of Prayer Lutheran Church, Richfield
Rev. Ben Sandin
House of Prayer Lutheran Church, Richfield
Rev. Christa Forsythe
Immanuel Lutheran Church, Atwater
Rev. Joel Gueningsman
Immanuel Lutheran Church, Clara City
Rev. Phyllis Bentley
Immanuel Lutheran Church, St. Paul
Rabbi Jill Crimmings
Bet Shalom Congregation, Minnetonka
Pastor Kathy Robey
Immanuel Lutheran, St Paul
Rev. Denise Fossen
Kerkhoven Lutheran Church
Rev. Myrna Nelson
Lutheran Church of the Redeemer – St. Paul, Minnesota
Trudy Cretsinger
Lutheran Church of the Redeemer, Saint Paul
Dr. James Erlandson
Lutheran Church of the Redeemer, St. Paul
Rev. Sharon Scott
Lutheran Church of the Redeemer, St. Paul
Pastor Stephanie Stoessel
Lutheran Church of the Redeemer, St. Paul
John Cole
St. Andrews Episcopal Church
Rev. Lyle Nelson
Lutheran Church of the Redeemer, St. Paul, Minnesota
Jon Anderson
Southwestern Minnesota Synod.
Rev. Stan Olson
Member of Grace University Lutheran Church, Minneapolis
Les Svendsen
Member, Central Lutheran Church, Minneapolis
Rev. Sue Engh
Member, Grace University Lutheran Church, Minneapolis
The Rev. Joy Caires
St. Clementís Memorial Episcopal Church, St. Paul
Pastor Elizabeth Damico-Carper
Memorial Lutheran Church, Afton
Julia Gibson Reeves
Dunamis Praise Chapel Intl, Brooklyn Center
Michael Troutman
Michael Troutman, Our Saviours Lutheran Church, Minneapolis
Pastor Justin Ask
Dr. Karen Wills
MUUSJA- MN Unitarian Universalist Social Justice Alliance
Karen Davidson
First United Church of Christ, Northfield
Rev. Karen Larson
Zwingli United Church of Christ, West Concord
Rev. Dr. Karen Sellers
Mayflower United Church of Christ, Minneapolis
Rev. Kaye Mills
Minnehaha Communion Lutheran Church, Minneapolis, MN
Rev. Kate Payton
Glendale United Methodist Church, Savage
Rev. Joel Bergeland
Mount Olivet Lutheran Church of Plymouth, Plymouth
Kathleen Hansen
Oak Grove Presbyterian Church, Bloomington
Rev. Kathryn Nelson
Peace United Church of Christ, Duluth
Charles Ruud
Mount Olivet Lutheran Church, Minneapolis and Victoria
Kay Slama
Social Justice Co-Chair, Unitarian Universalist Church of Willmar, Willmar
Mark Kopka
Nordland Lutheran Church, Paynesville
Mark Wegener
Oak Grove Lutheran Church, Richfield
Rev. Rolland Mark Swanson
Oak Grove Lutheran Church, Richfield
Rev. Kevin Brown
Minnesota Conference UCC, Minneapolis
Rev. Brice Eichlersmith
Oak Grove Lutheran, Richfield
The Rev. Kayla Monson
Oak Knoll Lutheran, Minnetonka
Rev. Kristin Maier
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Northfield
The Rev. Karsten Nelson
Our Redeemer Lutheran Church, St Paul
Pastor Lauren Baske Davis
First United Church of Christ, Northfield
Pastor Tim Maybee
Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, Circle Pines
Rev. Laurie Bushbaum
Minneapolis, Retired Unitarian Universalist
Rev. Lawrence Richardson
Linden Hills Congregational United Church of Christ, Minneapolis
Leah Rosso
First UMC of the St. Cloud Region, Sartell
Pastor Tim Maybee
Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, Circle Pines
Rev. Leslie Moughty
First Congregational United Church of Christ, Brainerd
Rev. Lindsay Conrad
First Presbyterian Church, Mankato
Rev. Lisa Bodenheim
United Church of Christ, Prescott, WI
Rev. Lisa Larges
Lake Nokomis Presbyterian Church, Minneapolis
Lisa Amman
St Thomas More Catholic Church
Liz Liebenstein
Presbytery of Northern Waters; Chaplain at the Benedictine Living Community, Duluth
Rev. Luke Stevens-Royer
First Unitarian Universalist Church, Rochester, MN
Amy Blumenshine
Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church, Minneapolis
Rev. Margo Richardson
First Congregational Church of Minnesota
Pastor Joel Abrahamson
Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church, Minneapolis
Rev. Dr. Laurie Eaton
Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church, Minneapolis
Martha Farhat
Quaker Meeting, Minneapolis
Pastor Martha Bardwell
Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church, Minneapolis
Martin A M Erickson III
Mayflower United Church of Christ, Minneapolis
Pastor Jennifer Rome
Pilgrim Lutheran Church, St. Paul
Rev. Mary Shaffer
Mayflower United Church of Christ, Minneapolis
Rev. Mary Rowe
St. Christopherís Episcopal Church, Roseville,MN
Rev. Mary Hovland
Bethesda Grand Carr Centet, Chaplain
Matt Rohn
First UCC, Northfield
Rev. Matthias Peterson-Brandt
Cherokee Park United Church
Meg Ojala
First UCC Northfield, Northfield
Melissa Miller
Our Lady of Grace, Edina
Deacon Rhonda Hlavinka
Salem English Lutheran Church, Uptown Minneapolis
Michael Resman
Rochester Friends Meeting
Rabbi Michael Latz
Shir Tikvah Congregation, Minneapolis
Rev. Eric Hoffer
Salem Lutheran Church, North Minneapolis
Rev. Korla Masters
Shepherd of the Lake Lutheran Church, Prior Lake
Randall Romsdahl
St James Lutheran in Crystal
Joyce Graue
St John’s Lutheran Church, Raymond
Deb Rubash
St Johns Lutheran, Shakopee
Nancy Storm
New Spirit United Church of Christ, Savage
Rev. Nancy Brown
Abbott Northwestern Hospital, Minneapolis
Pastor Jackie Cook
St Paul’s Lutheran, Hector
Nathan Holst
Peace United Church of Christ, Duluth
Rabbi Norman Cohen
Bet Shalom Congregaton, Minnetonka
Rev. Oby Ballinger
Edina Morningside Community Church, Edina
Ole Olson
United Faith Community UCC Buffalo
Orlin Mandsager
Highview Christiania , Farmington
Pastor Hans Jorgensen
St Timothy Lutheran Church, St Paul
Rev. Dr. Jill Rode
St. Anthony Park Lutheran Church, St. Paul
Father Paul Feela
Lumen Christi Catholic Community, Saint Paul
Rev. Allan Negstad
St. James Lutheran Church, Crystal
Rev. Paul Bauch
Peace United Church of Christ, Rochester
Peggy Roeske
First Presbyterian Church of White Bear Lake
Rev. Penelope Tower
Mayflower United Church of Christ, Minneapolis
Penny Herickhoff
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, Mankato
Rev. Amanda Sabelko
St. John’s Lutheran Church, Kasson
Jonathan Davis
St. John’s Lutheran Church, Northfield
Rev. Pam Fickenscher
St. John’s Lutheran Church, Northfield
Rev. Ali Ferin
St. Michaelís Lutheran Church, Roseville
Rev. Randy Johnson
First United Methodist Church of the Saint Cloud Region, Sartell
Rev Nancy Anderson
Mayflower United Church of Christ, Minneapolis
Rev. Dr. Rebecca Voelkel
Lyndale United Church of Christ, Minneapolis
Reverend Sharon Prestemon
Minnesota Conference United Church of Christ
Rev. Jonathan Nerdig
St. Paul-Reformation Lutheran Church, Saint Paul
Rhonda Niola
Christ on Capitol Hill
Rev. Richard Sellers
Mayflower United Church of Christ, Minneapolis
Rev. Rick King
Falcon Heights Church, United Church of Christ, Falcon Heights
Rev. Rita Capezzi
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Mankato
Rev. Robert Keehn
First Congregational Church, Alexandria
Pastor Patrick Shebeck
St. Paul-Reformation Lutheran Church, Saint Paul
Rev. Stacie Lightner
St. Paul-Reformation Lutheran Church, Saint Paul
Rev. Ruth MacKenzie
First Universalist Church of Minneapolis
Sahra Odowa
Samaha Islamic Center, Shakopee
Rev. Ed Stuart
St. Paul-Reformation Lutheran Church, St. Paul
Rev. Sarah Campbell
Mayflower United Church of Christ, Minneapolis
Shameem Khan
Shameem Khan
Imam Sharif Mohamed
Islamic Civic Society of America, Minneapolis
Rev. Sharon Prestemon
Conference Minister/CEO, Minnesota Conference United Church of Christ
Erik Rundquist
Svea Lutheran Church, Svea
Kelly France
Swedlanda Lutheran Church, Hector
Rev. Shodo Spring
Mountains and Waters Alliance, Faribault
Rabbi Shoshana Dworsky
Beth Jacob Congregation
Dr. Siri Erickson
Office of the Chaplains, Gustavus Adolphus College
Sohnma Greenfield
Sohnma Greenfield, Minneapolis, St Andrew’s Episcopal Church
Sister Arthur Wiese Wiese
Trinity Lutheran Church, Benson
Rev. Dorothy Wolle
Trinity Lutheran Church, Madelia
Ann Agrimson
University Lutheran Church of Hope, Minneapolis
Rev. Ann Beane
University Lutheran Church of Hope, Minneapolis
Rev. Dorothy Abrahamson
University Lutheran Church of Hope, Minneapolis
Sue Budd
St.Joan of Arc Catholic Community, Minneapolis
Rev. Jen Nagel
University Lutheran Church of Hope, Minneapolis
Paul Graham
Vang and Dennison Lutheran Parish, Dennison
Rev. T Michael Rock
Robbinsdale Parkway United Church of Christ, Robbinsdale
Rev. Terri Burnor
Unitarian Universalist Church of Minnetonka, Wayzata
Rev. Dr. Theodore Kunze
Chaplain, Ecumen Pathstone Living, Mankato
Rev. Dr. Theresa Mason
Camphor Memorial United Methodist Church, St. Paul
Rev. Dane Skilbred
Vinje Lutheran Church, Willmar
Tim Farrell
St Thomas More Catholic Community
Rev. Miriam Samuelson-Roberts
Westwood Lutheran Church, St. Louis Park
Rev. Todd Lippert
United Church of Christ, Northfield
Pastor Myron Crawford
Yellow Medicine Lutheran Church, Hanley Falls, MN
Rev. Travis Norvell
Judson Memorial Baptist Church, Minneapolis
Rev. Christian Muellerleile
Zion Lutheran Church, Litchfield
Vanessa Bradby
Olivet Congregational Church, St. Paul
Rev. Vicki Wunsch
Saint Anthony Park United Church of Christ
Rev. Victoria Safford
White Bear Unitarian Universalist Church, Mahtomedi
Brother Walid Shadi
Muslim American Society, Blaine
Rev. Warren Sazama
St. Thomas More Catholic Parish, St. Paul
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